I am one of the females who got sexually harassed on downtown streets on the first day of the fucking feast, more specifically on Talaat Harb street starting from Metro Cinema until the beginning of Sabry Abu Alam street.
There were two other friends with me, a female and her male.
We felt like we were in a war--I had my self defense spray was emptied on the endless number of guys who surrounded us and yet still wasn't enough.
We, girls, had our butts, breasts, and every inch of our bodies grabbed. I end up slipping into a car that was parking on the road side when I tried to catch one of the mother fuckers who insisted and never gave up on grabbing my butt. So, I end up with a deep cut in my right hand palm and another one on my thumb of the same hand as I slipped into the car's headlight that broke and cut my hand. 6 stitches on my hand palm cut and 3 on my thumb--still my anger is pretty fresh in the deep inside of me that makes want me to put all Egyptian men on fire right now for what they have caused. What the fuck mother fuckers? Don't you have sisters who can also face the same thing as we did? How the fuck would you feel about this knowing your sister's butt and breasts got grabbed by the guys on the street?
I think you better act cold towards that since you might be one of the assholes who grab other girls asses. But let me tell you this: It's NOT and NEVER the girl to blame you sons of a bitches, it's NEVER the girl, NEVER! It's you to blame for doing such things to girls who you could consider them sisters and try to protect them not fucking grab them and show the world the worst picture of how Muslim men are who say and insist on how good people they are, but to tell you the truth, Muslim men are the worst human being on the entire planet and they just don't know it. Oh no, they don't even deserve to be called human beings, they are ANIMALS--FILTHY PIGS! Mother fuckers, You're putting Islam in the worst image ever in front of the world!! Think about it, assholes, think about it! YA WELAD EL KALB.